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By Randolph Hock
“We review many new publications, good and not
so good, but we know straight away that if it’s a
Ran Hock title then it’s going to be great.”
—William Hann, Managing Editor, FreePint
With its many and diverse features, it’s not easy for any individual to keep up with all that Yahoo! has to offer. Fortunately, Randolph (Ran) Hock—“The Extreme Searcher”— has created a reader-friendly guide to his favorite Yahoo! tools for online research, communication, investment, e-commerce, and a range of other useful activities. In Yahoo! to the Max, Ran provides background, content knowledge, techniques, and tips designed to help Web users take advantage of many of Yahoo!’s most valuable offerings —from its portal features, to Yahoo! Groups, to unique tools some users have yet to discover. Of course, Yahoo! is not going to sit still, and neither is Ran Hock: As with all Extreme Searcher guides, the author’s regularly updated Web page helps readers stay current on the new and improved Yahoo! features he recommends.
CyberAge Books • 2005/256 pp/softbound