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The Librarian’s Internet Survival Guide
The Librarian’s Internet Survival Guide, 2nd Edition
Strategies for the High-Tech Reference Desk
By Irene E. McDermott
Edited by Barbara Quint; Foreword by Joseph Janes

“... engaging, entertaining, and fun ... an indispensable and wonderful reference tool.”


In this updated and expanded second edition of her popular guidebook, Searcher columnist Irene McDermott once again exhorts her fellow reference librarians to don their pith helmets and follow her fearlessly into the Web jungle. She presents new and improved troubleshooting tips and advice, Web resources for answering reference questions, and strategies for managing information and keeping current. In addition to helping librarians make the most of Web tools and resources, the book offers practical advice on privacy and child safety, assisting patrons with special needs, Internet training, building library Web pages, and much more.

January 2006/320 pp/softbound/ISBN 1-57387-235-0 $29.50