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Super Searchers on Mergers & Acquisitions:
The Online Research Secrets of Top Corporate 
Researchers and M & A Pros

By Jan Davis Tudor, Edited by Reva Basch

The sixth title in the Super Searchers series is a unique resource for business owners, brokers, appraisers, entrepreneurs, and investors who use the Internet and online services to research Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) opportunities. Leading business valuation researcher Jan Davis Tudor interviews thirteen top M&A researchers, who share their secrets for finding, evaluating, and delivering critical deal-making data on companies and industries. As a reader bonus, "The Super Searchers Web Page" features links to the most important online information sources for M&A research.

CyberAge Books | 2001/208 pp/softbound

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Super Searchers on Mergers & Acquisitions
978-0-910965-48-4Regular price: $24.95Sale price: $22.46
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