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By Loraine Page, Edited by Reva Basch
"Being told how to conduct research is one thing; being shown is another. And that's what this book sets out to do, by showing you the steps authors take to ferret out information on the Web. The interviews reveal the logic behind ‘searching,’ and the appendix of useful websites is a dynamite resource." —Moira Allen, Editor Writing-World.com
"Super Searcher, Author, Scribe is an interesting melange of tips and process from working writers who use the Internet every day. You'll surely find ideas to streamline and enhance your research process." —Melanie Rigney, Editor Writer's Digest
The impact of the Internet on the writing profession is unprecedented, even revolutionary.Wired writers of the 21st century use the Internet to do research, to collaborate, to reach out to readers, and even to publish and sell their work. Here, Link-Up@Home editor Loraine Page draws out gems of wisdom from 14 leading journalists, book authors, writing instructors, and professional researchers in the literary field. These supersearching scribes share their online tips, techniques, sources, and success stories and offer advice that any working writer can put to immediate use.
The featured super searchers include experienced writers of articles, columns, books, screenplays, and poetry, including…
- Sarah Wernick
- Reid Goldsborough
- Gary Gach
- David Fryxell
- Michael Gross
- Paula Berinstein
- Sheila Bender
- Alfred and Emily Glossbrenner
- Gregg Sutter (researcher to the dean of modern mystery writers, Elmore Leonard)
- Catherine Coulter
- Bonnie Remsberg
- David Weinberger
- Jodi Picoult
- Ridley Pearson
CyberAge Books
2002/226 pp/softbound
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