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Edited by Sandi Schroeder
In this thorough inventory of software products used in indexing, professional indexers share their favorite features, tips, and techniques. As one would expect, the major dedicated indexing programs (Authex, CINDEX, MACREX, SKY Index, and wINDEX) are compared, but today indexers are asked to do much more than produce print indexes. They need additional tools to make indexes Web-compatible: HTML/Prep, HTML Indexer, and RoboHelp can help them. They have to embed indexing entries into the originating document and will find Framemaker, Microsoft Word, PageMaker, and Ixgen useful. For those tired of keyboarding, voice recognition software is described, and a thorough review of Sonar Bookends provides valuable insight for those contemplating automatic indexing. This book is an essential compendium for indexers and technical writers desiring to maximize their efficiency and quality control in their day-to-day indexing and meet special project needs.
2003/296 pp/softbound
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