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By Robert Berkman; foreword by Reva Basch
This is the experts' guide to finding dependable, high-quality company and industry data on the free Web. Information guru, author, and editor Robert Berkman offers business Internet users effective strategies for identifying and evaluating no-cost online information sources, emphasizing easy-to-use techniques for recognizing bias and misinformation. You’ll learn where to go for company backgrounders, sales and earnings data, SEC filings and stockholder reports, public records, market research, competitive intelligence, staff directories, executive biographies, survey/poll data, news stories, hard-to find-information about small businesses and niche markets, and more. The author's list of top starting points is a lifeline for business searchers under pressure, while his unique table of "Internet Information Credibility Indicators" allows readers to systematically evaluate Web site reliability. Supported by a Web page.
CyberAge Books • 2004/312 pp/softbound