Click to enlargeLiterary Market Place 2020
First Time Buyer Special Offer

The Directory of the American Book Publishing Industry — Literary Market Place is the ultimate insider's guide to the U.S. book publishing industry, covering every conceivable aspect of the business.

When it comes to books, you can reach the people who publish, package, review, represent, edit, translate, typeset, illustrate, design, print, bind, promote, publicize, ship, and distribute, all at one world-famous business address: Literary Market Place

Two easy to- use volumes provide:

  • 54 sections organizing everyone and everything in the business—from publishers, agents, and ad agencies to associations, distributors, and events.
  • More than 12,500 listings in all—featuring names, addresses, and numbers; key personnel, activities, specialties, and other relevant data; e-mail addresses and Web sites; and more.
  • Some 22,000 decision makers throughout the industry, listed in a separate "P...urned in connecting you with the publishing firm, service, or product you or your patrons need.

    Completely revised and updated, LMP helps:

    • Publishers: Locate other publishers, freelancers, agents, printers, wholesalers, and manufacturers.
    • Suppliers: Find names and numbers of potential publishing customers.
    • Job Seekers: Locate contact names, addresses, and phone numbers throughout the industry.
    • Writers: Locate publishers for their works.
    • Librarians: Provide patrons with the reference source they need to navigate the publishing industry.

    2019/1,850 pp (2-volume set)/softbound

    * Please note an additional $28.00 will be added for shipping and handling inside the United States. Canada, Mexico and Outside North America will be charged a higher shipping rate.

    Please use the coupon code you recieved by email during checkout.

    Literary Market Place 2020 - First Time Buyer Special Offer
    LMP2020 Special Offer$449.50
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