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Compiled by Paul Burden
Knowledge Management (KM) is a holistic process by which an organization may effectively gather, evaluate, share, analyze, integrate, and use information from both internal and external sources. Knowledge Management, The Bibliography is the first comprehensive reference to the literature available for the individual interested in KM, and features citations to over 1500 published articles, 150+ Web sites, and more than 400 books. Organized by topic area (i.e., "KM and Intranets," "KM and Training," "KM and eCommerce"), Paul Burden’s work is a natural companion volume to the ASIS monograph, Knowledge Management for the Information Professional, and an important new tool for anyone charged with contributing to or managing an organization’s intellectual assets.
2000/160 pp/softbound
 | Knowledge Management: The Bibliography - ASIST Member Price American Society for Information Science & Technology Member Price

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