Click to enlargeBeyond Book Indexing:
How to Get Started in 
Web Indexing, Embedded Indexing, 
and Other Computer-Based Media

Edited by Marilyn Rowland and Diane Brenner

Are you curious about new indexing technologies? Would you like to develop and create innovative indexes that provide access to online resources, multimedia, or online help? Do you want to learn new skills and expand your marketing possibilities? In Beyond Book Indexing, edited by Diane Brenner and Marilyn Rowland, 12 articles written by 11 noted indexing professionals, provide an in-depth look at current and emerging computer-based technologies and offer suggestions for obtaining work in these fields. Extensive references and a glossary round out this informative exciting new book.

2000/150 pp/softbound

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Beyond Book Indexing
978-1-57387-081-8Regular price: $31.25Sale price: $28.13

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978-1-57387-081-8 ASI$25.00

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