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Edited by Blaise Cronin
ARIST, published annually since 1966, is a landmark publication within the information science community. It surveys the landscape of information science and technology, providing an analytical, authoritative, and accessible overview of recent trends and significant developments. The range of topics varies considerably, reflecting the dynamism of the discipline and the diversity of theoretical and applied perspectives. While ARIST continues to cover key topics associated with “classical” information science (e.g., bibliometrics, information retrieval), editor Blaise Cronin is selectively expanding its footprint in an effort to connect information science more tightly with cognate academic and professional communities.
Section I: Historical Perspectives
- Chapter 1: History of Information Science, Colin Burke
- Chapter 2: Vannevar Bush and Memex, Ronald D. Houston
and Glynn Harmon
- Chapter 3: Garfield and the Impact Factor, Stephen J. Bensman
Section II: Availability, Access, and Use
- Chapter 4: Universal Access, Harmeet Sawhney and
Krishna P. Jayakar
- Chapter 5: Digital Libraries, David Bearman
- Chapter 6: Context in Information Behavior Research,
Christina Courtright
- Chapter 7: Credibility: A Multidisciplinary Framework, Soo Young Rieh and David R. Danielson
Section III: Organization and Retrieval of Information
- Chapter 8: Semantics and Knowledge Organization, Birger Hjørland
- Chapter 9: Ontologies on the Semantic Web, Catherine Legg
- Chapter 10: Personal Information Management, William Jones
- Chapter 11: Arabic Information Retrieval, Ibrahim Abu El-Khair
Section IV: Space and Place
- Chapter 12: Network Science, Katy Börner, Soma Sanyal,
and Alessandro Vespignani
- Chapter 13: Citation Analysis, Jeppe Nicolaisen
- Chapter 14: Scientific Collaboration, Diane H. Sonnenwald
- Chapter 15: Human Geography and Information Studies, Greg Downey
2007/816 pp/hardbound
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