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Edited by Blaise Cronin
Since 1966, ARIST has been continuously at the cutting edge in contributing a useful and comprehensive view of the broad field of information science and technology. ARIST reviews numerous topics within the field and provides this annual source of ideas, trends, and references to the lit-erature.
The series encompasses the entire field in all its aspects, and topics for the annual volume are selected by the editor on the basis of timeliness and an assessment of reader interest.
Contents of Volume 38:
-Science and Technology Studies and Information Studies,
by Nancy A. Van House
-New Theoretical Approaches for Human-Computer Interaction,
by Yvonne Rogers
-Community and Electronic Community, by David Ellis,
Rachel Oldridge, and Ana Vasconcelos
-Latent Semantic Analysis, by Susan T. Dumais
-The Use of Web Search Engines in Information Science Research, by Judit Bar-Ilan
-Web Mining: Machine Learning for Web Applications,
by Hsinchun Chen and Michael Chau
-Data Mining in Health and Medical Information,
by Peter A. Bath
-Indexing, Browsing, and Searching of Digital Video,
by Alan F. Smeaton
-ICTs and Political Life, by Alice Robbin,
Christina Courtright, and Leah Davis
-Legal Aspects of the Web, by Alexandre López Borrull and
Charles Oppenheim
-Preservation of Digital Objects, by Patricia Galloway
-The Internet and Unrefereed Scholarly Publishing,
by Rob Kling
2003/726 pp/hardbound
 | ARIST 38 - ASIST Member Price American Society for Information Science & Technology Member Price

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